We are delighted to announce that our Widdershins Centre, Sebastopol in stages is offering services to the public.
We are once again serving lunch on a Wednesday and have resumed our nail cutting service. Please keep an eye on our service updates via social media as more of our regular services resume.
We understand that some of you may naturally have worries or concerns about what to expect and may feel less than confident to attend. We hope the following information will help to answer your questions about the steps we are taking to keep everyone safe and well from Covid 19.
Our Widdershins Centre has had a thorough and Deep-Clean thanks to our hardworking team and you can be assured that we are ready for your arrival.
What Will Happen When I Arrive?
On arrival, everyone will have a simple forehead temperature to make sure that they aren’t starting to develop symptoms of which they are not yet aware. We will also take your contact details as per the NHS Track and Trace system. In the case that someone contracts COVID 19 at the centre you will be informed.
If your temperature is above 37.8C, you will not be able to come into the Centre and will need to return home and seek medical attention.
If the reception area is busy you may be asked to wait outside.
We will also ask you to wear a face covering around the building, unless you are eating or drinking.
We are asking members of the public to book in advance to ensure your place as spaces are limited due to social distancing guidelines.
What Will Be Running?
Our Telephone Lines will be open as normal Mon-Fri: 10am-3pm, outside of this time an answering machine facility is available.
- Information & Advice: Telephone and/or appointments via Zoom will be carried out. Please phone to book your appointment on 01495 769264.
- Activities in the home: We offer a personalised activity session in a clients home. These sessions need to be book and a staff member will carry out a full risk assessment and pre-covid checks before entering a person’s property. These sessions can be book in advance by calling 01495 769264.
- The Bistro: Our Bistro offers a limited menu every Wednesday between 12-2pm. We ask for people to make a reservation by calling 01495 769264 and inform us of your menu selection
- Meal Delivery: We offer a hot meal delivery throughout Torfaen. This service is delivered straight to your door and available every Tuesday and Thursday.
- Nail Cutting: appointments are available every Wednesday for a basic nail cutting service. You be asked to wait in your car until your allocated time or until a receptionist calls you.
- Home Services: both our shopping and cleaning services remain operational. These are available between Monday and Friday and can be booked by contacting us on 01495 769264.
Changes in Routine to Keep Everyone Safe
We have made some essential changes. We ask everyone visiting the Centre to help keep the risk of spreading coronavirus to a minimum by:
- Social distancing of at least two metre will be maintained.
- Everyone who comes inside the Centre – staff, volunteers and clients – will need to wear a face shield or face mask at all times, except when they are eating or drinking.
- Hand washing will be encouraged on a regular basis.
- Hand sanitiser will be available throughout the building.
- Toilets will be open. We request that you wash your hands before using the toilet and again afterwards. After leaving the toilet area, please also use hand-sanitiser (in addition to hand washing).
- Please pay attention to the signs posted for your safety throughout the centre.
- For services that incur a charge, we are encouraging contactless payments.
We thank everyone for your patience and understanding as we take these cautious steps towards re-opening and look forward to welcoming you back at our Widdershins Centre.
If you have any worries or concerns about coming back to the Centre or accessing any of our services, please contact us on 01495 769264 to speak about this.