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Age Connects Appoints Carers Champion

By January 14, 2022No Comments

Age Connects Torfaen is committed to support Carers within our local Community.

Effort has recently begun to work towards our Carers Friendly Commitment. We are constantly striving to better our services, we hope that by appointing Carer’s Champion Kerry Beckett, we will be able to do just that.

Kerry fully understands the needs of carers and will be responsible for supporting carers within our different services.

What is an unpaid carer?

A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support.

What is a carer’s champion?

A Carers Champion is a member of the staff/volunteer team with an allocated responsibility for supporting carers within a service.

Our Carer Champion has pledged the following commitment to carers;

My commitment to carers:

  • I will actively work to help my: colleagues, service users and the wider public understand who carers are and the issues they may face
  • I will ensure that there is good quality and accessible information available for carers within our service
  • I will work to ensure that the service works to continually improve the way that carers are identified, informed, listened to and supported within our service
  • I will ensure that carers are listened to and given a voice within our service
  • I will take responsibility for ensuring that carers are considered in policies across our organisation/service area

For further information, Kerry can be contacted on 01495 769264 or by email: